AMG Water filters + bifree

Bifree AMG water filters

AMG Srl di Correggio (RE) Italy, manufacturer of professional systems for water filtering, is finishing the final approval stages and is preparing for the launch of a new line of bifree filters with self-sanitizing and bactericide-free features for drinking water treatment.

Esseciplast + bifree

Esseciplast Srl di Alpignano (To), Italy, a leading company in the production of pvc flooring for hospitals, fitness centers, large-scale retail trade, launched the Global Pure brand, a revolutionary self-sanitizing and bactericide-free flooring with bifree Tech.

Rabugino + bifree

La società Rabugino Sp. z o.o. Plastic Industry -Poland- will soon come out with a new project called Twinst of a shopping cart with bifree Tech. in order to ensure
greater safety for the consumer.